Academic Standing

A student in Good Academic Standing completes at least 50% of all courses attempted and has a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher. If a student falls below a 2.0 cumulative GPA or completes less than 50% of all attempted units, the student may be place on academic or progress notice.

What is Notice?

A student on notice has attempted at least 12 semester units, has less than a 2.0 cumulative GPA and/or has completed less than 50% of all attempted units.

Are there different types of notice?

Yes. There are two types of notice and two levels to each notice type (AP 4250-PROBATION):

Academic Notice Progress Notice

A student who has attempted at least 12 semester units with a cumulative GPA below 2.0.

Academic Notice I.   GPA has dropped below a 2.0 (C) average.  Student is limited to registering for no more than 12 units next semester

Academic Notice II. GPA has dropped below a 2.0 (C) average for two consecutive semesters.  Student is now limited to registering for no more than 6 units next semester.

A student who has enrolled in at least 12 semester units in at least two semester in which the number of “W,” “I,”, “NC” and “NP” is more than 50% of all units in which a student has enrolled.

Progress Notice I. The student has received credit for less than 50% of the overall courses attempted. Student is now limited to registering for no more than 12 units next semester.

Progress Notice II. The student has received credit for less than 50% of the overall courses attempted for two consecutive semesters. Student is now limited to registering for no more than 6 units next semester.

What happens if I remain on notice for more than 3 semesters?

A student who is on academic notice shall be subject to dismissal (asked to take time off from VC) if

  • the student has earned a cumulative grade point average of less than 1.75 in all units attempted in each of three (3) consecutive semesters, and has a semester GPA of less than 1.75 for the current semester.


  • the percentage of units in which the student has been enrolled for which entries of “W,” “I,” “NC,” and “NP” are recorded in at least three (3) consecutive semesters reaches or exceeds fifty percent (50%).  (AP 4255-Disqualification and Dismissal)

What does being on Academic or Progress Notice mean?

Students on academic or progress notice may lose priority registration, have a limit on the number of units they can register, not meet satisfactory academic progress for financial aid eligibility and/or be dismiss from the college. Students should check individually with both an academic counselor and the financial aid office to determine how their current notice status may affect them specifically.

How can I get off Notice?

There are many options for getting back to good academic standing such as retaking courses, meeting with instructors, attending tutoring, and meeting with an academic counselor. An academic counselor can help you develop an action plan, discuss in detail options for getting back to good academic standing and provide you with a list of resources to help you be successful each semester.

How do I schedule an appointment with a counselor?

You can schedule an appointment with a VC Counselor by giving us a call or stopping by the Information Desk located inside the Student Services Center (SSC). If you are part of EOPS, EAC, CalWORKS or FYE, please schedule an appointment with them directly.

Academic Counseling 805-289-6448 
CalWORKS 805-289-6003 
Educational Assistance Center 805-289-6300 
EOPS 805-289-6302 

Where do I go to check my financial aid satisfactory academic progress (SAP) status?

Go to the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress page to check your SAP status and learn how this affects your financial aid.

The following is a list of resources you may find helpful as you work towards getting back to Good Academic Standing.

Academic/Career Counseling Basic Needs Office CalWORKS
CARE/EOPS Child Development Center Educational Assistance Center
Financial Aid First Year Experience Program (FYE) Health Center
Pirate's Cove Personal Counseling Reading/Writing Center
STEM Harbor Tutoring Center Veterans Resource Center